Sunday, November 30, 2008


Decorating the tree is like a wonderful trip down Memory Lane.... Reaching into the large plastic bin of ornaments is like reaching back to special moments in time commemorating events in the paths of our lives.  First Christmas in our new home, tiny golden angels from a dear friend because she knows my love for angels, one from my Mom for my 30th birthday (a long time ago), ornaments celebrating the First Christmases of my children, and the many, many fine blown glass and crystal given from loving friends and family that glisten on our tree every year.  But, the ones I treasure most of all,  are the paper treasures made by the tiny hands of my children in grade school all those years ago.  Although the glue has dried up and chipped away, the macaroni lost somewhere in time, most tattered and torn, they will always take their rightful place of honor on our tree every year... front and center!  Now, I know these photos won't mean anything to anyone else but me, but I do know that there isn't a mom out there that would trade one of those precious macaroni ornaments for the finest glass ornament in the world.

I don't have any grandchildren yet, but there is a special little boy in my life named Grayden. He is the son of a very dear friend of my son, Bill.  I can only say that if this is anything near what a having a grandchild will be like, then I am in for something wonderful.  On Thanksgiving Day, I was given another priceless gift made by tiny hands.  It is a cake plate with the imprint of Grayden's hand made into the image of a turkey.  Around the rim are treasured words that read:  This isn't just a turkey as you can plainly see.  I made it with my hand which is a part of me.  It comes with lots of love especially to say, I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving Day..... Love, Grayden James


Gray Days!! said...

awww...SO sweet, We are so lucky to have you, your love, and your family in our lives. Lots of Love!!!

Dawn Marie said...

awww i love that plate! I've got 3 grandaughters now and I tell you--I LOVE IT! I found out this weekend our 4th grandchild is on its way. We are hoping for news that a 5th is also coming. I love that I'm young enough to get out there and run with them and keep up. We do crafts together, and the best part of being a that I feel like I enjoy it so much more because I know firsthand how precious time is and how fast they grow. Lucky you--you have Grayden and he has you!

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Awwww, that is so sweet, I've saved all mine too! they are so adorable at that age! now they are all teens and adults, I don't know how that happened!! lol

Thanks for sharing !! Happy Holidays!

Hugs, Cynthia

Melissa Miller said...

How sweet to have these mementos! Hope all is well today. ~Melissa :)

Tea Time With Melody said...

Isn't it funny the things we save. I've kept it all for them. They will appreciate it someday.

When The Best Things In Life Come In Small Packages!! Happy Birthday, We all Love You So Much!!


My Store, Meadowsweet, Northport, NY

My Store, Meadowsweet, Northport, NY
All ready for Autumn!